Hugo Turner
Dr Turner’s research focuses on health economic analyses of infectious diseases in low and middle-income countries. He specializes in performing costings of healthcare interventions, cost of illness analysis and cost-effectiveness analysis. He is also trained in developing and using disease transmission models and using models to evaluate the impact of interventions. A particular focus of his work are diseases associated with poverty (such as the neglected tropical diseases).
Between 2016-2019 his role was to establish and lead a health economics group within the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit in Vietnam. As of 2020, he will be taking a faculty position within the School of Public Health, Imperial College London. For his full bio, please see here.
Is life year gained (LYG) estimate suitable for use with the WHO threshold?
We did a cost-effectiveness study of a program using LiST spectrum. We have reported our findings in cost per life year gained (LYG). Is it possible to compare the cost per LYG with the WHO GDP/capita threshold? The GDP/capita of the WHO is in cost per DALY. Or, is there a way to convert LYG to DALY...
For instance, the equipment was bought in 2017 and its lifespan is 10 years, I want to calculate the cost of this equipment for 2019. How do I annulize the cost of medical equipment? Do I need to convert the cost of equipment to current year using CPI before annulizing the cost or annulize directl...
estimating real income and comparing to Int. Dollar
I was doing an article on real income of health workers in Ethiopia. I have average annual salary of 14 years. so, I want to see whether the salary increase over year or not compared to GDP per capita. I decided to use the GDP per capita in 2011 constant international dollar. I have the data now. 1...
ICER threshold
I am doing my master thesis on the model-based cost-effectiveness of cardiovascular risk screening program in Zambia. P: population in Zambia age 40 - 79 years old I: non-laboratory-based WHO CVD risk chart and laboratory-based WHO CVD risk chart C: no screening, comparison between non-laboratory-ba...
Determining Discount Factors
How do we determine discount factors. Whether there should be different discount factors for different conditions?